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That Day

That Day I crushed this egg I was supposed to protect

The Day I Questioned My Career Path

That Day. I have heard of that day. I have heard it hits every teacher at some point in his/her career, but I knew it would not happen to me. I have wanted to be a teacher since I was three. I would never question this. Ever. Except I did.

The days leading up to That Day were long and tiring. There were special circumstances that left me, a student teacher, in charge for a week. I was not worried about this at all, as I had already had a period of two weeks that I created and taught every lesson. However, I had not prepared for this week. I was not supposed to be the “teacher” that week, and it was thrust upon me. All my peers told me I handled it beautifully, but they did not see. They did not see the hair pulling, fingernail biting, or hear the off key singing that accompanies me under stress. I am talking hard-core, loud, off-key singing. As beautiful as I think it sounds, I have been asked to shut it more than once while in this state of mind.

As I said, the days were long and tiring, but I was dealing with it. Then That Day happened. It was a regular Thursday to every other human being, but me? Ohhh, I was turning into the sleepless, dark eyed werewolf you only have nightmares about. I am pretty sure my fangs and claws were about to develop at any time. My body has this lovely mechanism where it hates sleep if I get too exhausted, so I had not slept much the night before. I made it to school on time, but I was a terror. I did manage to brush my teeth, which I took as a personal victory. I brushed my hair in the bathroom at work. Luckily, I had sense enough the day before to make all my copies, because the copy machines were both down that morning. Another victory.

I was surviving until I made it to 5th period. I love my 5th period class. I look forward to their snarling preteen faces. Did I say snarling? Of course I did. They like to snarl at me, because they love me. Hormonal teenagers have this thing where, even if they are excited about something, they must show no one. If Miss is funny, DO NOT LAUGH- do not smile- do not acknowledge. However, if something is ridiculous, absolutely lose your mind with laughter and never stop, ever. I will never understand them, but we get along. Point being, this is one of my classes that I look forward to each day. That is, until That Day. That Day, they were invaded by aliens. Those were not my 5th period students. Those were the aliens from Space Jam inhabiting my students. I will leave that to your imagination. If you can imagine it, it happened. I guarantee it.

Half way through the class period, we were about ¼ of the way through the material. That is how great it was going. Nevertheless, I prevailed. Because, hey, I am a student teacher and I am full of energy right? Sure. One of my students came to me, after wreaking havoc, and said, “Wow Miss, you look exhausted!” I looked at him with a desperation that is only reached at the lowest level of exhaustion and said, “I am, honey, I am”. I do not remember the rest of that period. I think it went something like the scene in The Little Rascals when their clubhouse has burnt down, and they are all just standing around it staring at the destruction all defeated like. I always wondered where the adults were during this large fire in that scene. That Day, I was wondering the same thing.

The questioning did not come until I got in my car at the end of That Day. I rolled down my windows, as I always do, and let the cool air blow around me. That was when it hit me. I thought, “Why in the world am I doing this to myself?” I thought back on That Day and could not see a single reason I should be a teacher based on That Day. It was a horrible 45 seconds, until I remembered that I would not win a teaching Medal of Honor based on one day. If I am being honest, I probably will not ever win one, seeing as such a thing does not exist. Teachers do not win medals of Honor. Teachers win love, give love, teach love, and help kids find love. I did not become a teacher to dwell on the crappy days like That Day. I did not become a teacher to win medals of Honor or be praised for my work. I became a teacher, because I have more love to give than I know what to do with. I became a teacher for that one student that comes and gives me a hug every single day between 7th and 8th period. I became a teacher for the student that has been called stupid too many times and now believes it to be true. I became a teacher, because I could never be anything else and feel like my life was being used to its potential. As I pulled out of the parking lot That Day, I began to make a mental list of all the reasons I decided to become a teacher. That Day was horrible, but it was one of those days that come with a lesson. Getting the lesson without the atrocious day would be nice.

So, I am writing this for anyone that has That Day. Do not let that be your tone setter for the next day. Make a list. Make a list on a good day to remind you on the bad days why you love to teach. And go out there and do your thing. You are Teacher. You are awesome.



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